Semen spitting Japanese girls. Do you like the spitting better than the Bukkake?

Semen Spitting

Japanese semen spitting fetish. Japanese ‘zamen play’ takes many forms, which have had a huge influence on the pornography of other countries. There is a whole sub culture of Bukkake movie afficianados who say the Bukkake aftermath is acually better than the ejaculations themselves. Post Bukkake, the resulting semen is spit into the cupped palm and held out to the camera for inspection, or many men’s semen is drank out of a large medical-style beaker. And of course everyone has seen the movies where the girls eat semen as a topping on Sushi etc. Some of the most famous Bukkake movies have girls being allowed to only eat semen for 24 hours. Milking nourishment from their men as they need it. Sounds freaky? You bet it is. Check it all out at Bukkake Television.

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